Senior product design






Launched in 2017, next bank came to offer a new digital bank experience to the public. All directly in smartphones, without complications and with Bradesco bank security and structure.

Disney and next bank joined to create a product who offer financial education through a bank app and increase the young clients base.

Pixel True Mockup.png


Before the partnership we already had studies based in Bradesco ClickConta, desk research focused on Generation Z behavior and in how international banks managed to account for minors.

In this stage are considered some Product Discovery steps, we investigate market fit, possible forms to generate money revenue and values perceipt by the users. However, the business follows a different path suggested by the gathered data, focusing your product strategy on HIPPO's suggestions.

Internal validation and production

After the information about the path of the project had followed, the UX team decided to do the best work with the specifications received and gather the maximum of data to justify the user necessities. We build a basic architecture for MVP with an evaluation of features decided by the project work group.

Fernando (awesome Product Design with a wide look of project) and I coordinate the production of more than 500 screens for the MVP implantation, meetings to create users stories with the partnership of squads, technical discovery and other ceremonies.



There were no user tests in the conception, increasing the risk of the project. In parallel with the MVP production the UX team created actions to raise awareness to the problem and collect real data:

  • Product Discovery tools and dynamics with the involved squads (proto personas, business model canvas etc)

  • Pilot test with parents and kids, led by our researcher Janine.

  • Backlog creation based in improvements discovered

  • Critical vision and defense of real user in discussions


These app data plus the contracted research about the market allowed us most clean vision about the course of the product. With this we can, even if a little late, bring light to real necessities data based, taking a product reestructuracion with the real users and market in vision.

I believe that user focused vision could do this rule supporting the product to reach the users and deliver mensurable value to them.

Participation and responsibilities

In this project I got involved in all the stages as UX Lead, in production acting as Product Design Lead and in the research only as an observer. As a person I learned a lot, mainly about personal attitude and how to deal with an empresarial non-design and non-user culture.

I believe that my attachment to quality and delivery of value yielded good results! Since the changes and the speech that we sow together as a UX team are multiplying and moving the product to the evolution.


To open a nextJoy account to your kid you need to be a next bank user. Both apps are disponible in the Play Store and App Store.